School Counselor's Page

Purpose of the School Counselor's Webpage

Welcome to the school counselor's webpage! The purpose of this webpage is to serve as a comprehensive resource for students, parents, and staff at Deer Creek-Lamont. It is designed to provide easy access to important information, resources, and support services that can help our school community thrive.

How This Webpage Can Help You

For Students:

  • Guidance and Support: Find information on how to schedule one-on-one counseling sessions for academic, personal, or social support.

  • Resources: Access a variety of mental health resources, study aids, and career planning tools to help you succeed both in and out of the classroom.

  • Programs and Events: Stay informed about upcoming workshops, seminars, and school events that can enhance your learning and personal growth.

For Parents:

  • Parenting Resources: Discover tips and articles on supporting your child's academic and emotional well-being.

  • Communication: Get advice on effective ways to communicate with your teen and help them navigate their school experience.

  • College Preparation: Find information and resources on preparing your child for college applications, financial aid, and career planning.

For Teachers:

  • Referral Information: Learn how to refer students for counseling services and support.

  • Classroom Resources: Access tools and strategies for managing classroom behavior and supporting students' mental health and academic success.

This webpage is here to provide you with the necessary information and tools to ensure that everyone in our school community feels supported, informed, and connected. Whether you need help with personal issues, academic guidance, or resources for college and career planning, you can find it all here.

Resources for Students

Resources for Parents

Resources for Teachers


Privacy Policy

Confidentiality: How Student Information is Kept Confidential

Ensuring Confidentiality

**1. Private Sessions: All counseling sessions are conducted in a private setting to ensure that conversations are not overheard by others.

**2. Secure Records: Counseling records are stored in secure, locked files or password-protected digital systems. Only authorized counseling staff have access to these records.

**3. Limited Sharing: Information shared in counseling sessions is not disclosed to teachers, parents, or other students without the student's explicit consent, except under specific circumstances outlined below.

**4. Professional Ethics: School counselors adhere to professional ethical standards and guidelines which prioritize student confidentiality. This includes the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Ethical Standards.

Exceptions to Confidentiality

While maintaining confidentiality is a cornerstone of counseling services, there are certain situations where confidentiality may need to be broken to ensure safety and compliance with legal requirements. These exceptions include:

**1. Risk of Harm to Self or Others: If a student expresses intentions to harm themselves or others, the counselor is obligated to take necessary actions to ensure safety. This may involve informing parents, guardians, school administration, or emergency services.

**2. Suspected Abuse or Neglect: If the counselor suspects that a student is being abused or neglected, they are legally required to report this to the appropriate authorities to protect the student.

**3. Legal Requirements: In some cases, the counselor may be required by law to disclose information. This includes court orders or subpoenas demanding the release of counseling records.

**4. Student Consent: Information can be shared with others if the student provides explicit, written consent. This allows the counselor to communicate with teachers, parents, or other professionals to better support the student.

Communicating Confidentiality to Students

**1. Initial Meeting: During the first counseling session, the counselor will explain the confidentiality policy and its limits to the student. This helps build trust and sets clear expectations.

**2. Written Policy: A written confidentiality policy is provided to students and their parents or guardians, detailing how information is kept confidential and the exceptions to this rule.

**3. Ongoing Communication: Counselors regularly remind students about the confidentiality policy and ensure they understand the circumstances under which their information may be disclosed.


  • Confidentiality: Student information is kept confidential and only shared with authorized counseling staff.

  • Secure Records: Counseling records are securely stored to protect privacy.

  • Exceptions: Confidentiality may be broken if there is a risk of harm, suspected abuse or neglect, legal requirements, or with the student's consent.

  • Transparency: Students are informed about the confidentiality policy and exceptions during their initial session and through written documentation.

By clearly communicating and adhering to these confidentiality practices, we aim to create a safe and trusting environment where students feel comfortable seeking the help they need. If you have any questions or concerns about confidentiality, please do not hesitate to contact the school counseling office.